Et si demain... ?

Design fiction / Speculative scenarios narrated through designed artifacts / Posters / Visual Identity / 3D / Virtual reality / Projection / Coding / Motion design / Video direction

Diploma project (2018) carried out within the Anima collective composed of Marjorie Colin, Lila Le Floch-Meunier and Ariane Alcaraz.

The project “ Et si demain…? " invites us to think about the relationship we have with nature and plant world.

Through four scenographic fictions, we propose a typology of relationships.

Between utopia and dystopia, each scenario in a more or less futuristic world, is based on current scientific and technological advances and highlights ecological and societal issues.

I. Curaflore Vigitalis [2025]

Abstract scenario :  All pots are connected in this society in order to communicate the plants' needs. Plants have rights as animal and police exist to protect them from mistreatment.

II. Oxtree climeworks [2040]

Abstract scenario : No more trees, let's recreate them. Scenario based on an actual technology imitating the processing of the emanation of O2.

III. Oscillatoria limnetica [2020]

Abstract scenario : No more oxygen on some ocean places. Genetic modification based on the method CrispR-Cas9 permits to modified plants to live and recreating O2,  so fauna don't die.

IV. Idiome interespèce [2035]

Abstract scenario : Human kind has finally found a way to understand ans communicate with plants. Very utopian scenario based on the not so known plant's ability to "see" its environment.


Et si demain... ?

Design fiction / Speculative scenarios narrated through designed artifacts / Posters / Visual Identity / 3D / Virtual reality / Projection / Coding / Motion design / Video Director

Diploma project (2018) carried out within the Anima collective composed of Marjorie Colin, Lila Le Floch-Meunier and Ariane Alcaraz.

The project “ Et si demain…? " invites us to think about the relationship we have with nature and plant world.

Through four scenographic fictions, we propose a typology of relationships. Between utopia and dystopia, each scenario in a more or less futuristic world, is based on current scientific and technological advances and highlights ecological and societal issues.


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